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2016:6epa - Studylib
Italy , the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (Court) held that Italy’s “push 2012-04-17 This judgement marks the third time that Italy has been in violation of the prohibition of collective expulsions, with prior violations formally held in Hirsi Jamaa and Others v Italy and Sharifi and Others v Italy and Greece. While Khlaifia and Others was distinguished on the facts of Hirsi Jamaa insofar as individual asylum claims had been processed in respect of all three applicants, this was negated by the … Abstract. This essay explores the refugee’s access to human rights in regard to the case of Hirsi Jamaa and others v. Italy. The status of refugee, official or not, entails certain rights and state obligation, but the correlation between refugee rights and human rights is problematic.
3 Paras 9-14 4 ASAR regionis defined inthe Annex tothe Conventionas an‘area of defined dimensions associatedwitha rescueco-ordination Hirsi Jamaa and Others v Italy [2012] ECHR Application no. 27765/09 (23 February 2012). Summary. In a landmark decision the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that Italy violated the European Convention of Human Rights by forcibly returning a group of asylum seekers by sea to Libya. Hirsi Jamaa and Others v Italy (2012) Application No. 27765/09 is a Human Rights law case concerning Article 3 ECHR rights. Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy.
Italy (Application no. 27765/09) Judgment.
Individuella rättigheter - HRO102 - StuDocu
04 – No. 02. Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy, App. No. 27765/09, paras.
Malte Roos Motargument
After explaining that the operations had been In the case, Hirsi Jamaa and Others v.
v Italy (Hirsi) case.1 The case was filed on 26 May 2009 by 11 Somalis and 13 Eritreans. who were among the first group of 231 migrants and refugees (191 men and 40 women) that left Libya heading for the Italian coast. Referring to Hirsi Jamaa and Others v.
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/ Giuffré, Mariagiulia. I: International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 61, Nr. 3, 2012, s.
Hirsi Jamaa and Others v Italy (2012) Application No. 27765/09 is a Human Rights law case concerning Article 3 ECHR rights. Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy. Facts Applicants left Libya aboard vessels with the aim of reaching Italy.
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april 2016 Simons folkrätt
From the paper: The novelty of the Hirsi Jamaa case is the new exploit that the principle of not refoulement, must be observed also on the high seas by the European States, because the rescue operations on the high seas are cases of extra-territorial exercise of the jurisdiction of that State. Under International Law concerning the protection of refugees, the decisive test in establishing the hirsi jamaa and others v. ITALY - [Arabic Translation] summary by the Arab Centre for International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Education [ARA] Preliminary objections joined to merits and dismissed (Article 35-1 - Exhaustion of domestic remedies);Preliminary objection joined to merits and dismissed (Article 34 - Victim);Violation of Article 3 - Prohibition of torture (Article 3 - Expulsion) … Case of Hirsi Jamaa and Others v.
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Watered-down rights on the high seas: Hirsi Jamaa and others
Page 29. 517.